Our Product Warantee
AMESTI ensures that all parts of the equipment, as regards materials and manufacturing, will be free of defects while functional in the use of equipment. Therefore, the aesthetic aspects as painting and finishing are excluded.
Who benefits from this warantee?
AMESTI offers and this limited warranty extends only to the original purchaser customer of each team. To validate the customer must complete and return the Warranty Registration Card to the Company or complete and return the warranty registration (which can be found below on this page) within 10 days of purchase. This is a condition of warranty coverage.
How long the warantee is extended
Starting from the date of purchase, it spans 60 months.
What if some parts are defective?
AMESTI undertakes to repair the defective parts, subject to the conditions of this limited warranty, reserving the option to replace defective parts or the whole stove.
Warantee Exclusions
This limited warranty does not cover the following defects or damage:
- Those caused by improper installation, misuse of equipment, abuse, incorporation of non-original accessories brand Amesti, deletion and / or modification of any part or piece of equipment. Installation must be done with a Licensed Professional Installer AMESTI.
- Consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss Deuso, damages for loss of time, damages for loss of profits or revenues or any other incidental damage.
- Glasses Termocerámicos AMESTI, resistant to 800 ° C and cambiosviolentos temperature. They can only be broken by a stroke and therefore is not covered under warranty.
- The tempering steel wear with use and has a útillimitada life that depends on the intensity of use of the heater and the quality of wood used. Your warranty does not cover wear, only manufacturing defects for a period of three months.
- Sheathing (panels and bricks) and the quencher MineralBioecocalórico are components of a modern material base avermiculita it provides great benefits to your team. The guarantee does not apply in case of breakages per hit.
- The electronics should be installed by qualified personnel. Your warranty covers manufacturing defects for a period of three months. Improper use frees the manufacturer from liability.
In addition to the limitations and exclusions established, this limited warranty does not cover defects normally guaranteed when:
- The equipment has not been installed in accordance with the instructions.
- The equipment has not been used in accordance with the Owner's Manual.
- Some component has been repaired or recambiado by algunapersona outside the Company or not authorized by AMESTI and that this has been caused in part or whole, of the claimed defect.
- The equipment has been used with wood continuously about 25% moisture.
What to do to claim on a defective item?
Manufacturing defects or materials must be reported directly to the dealer where you purchased the equipment. If for any reason this is not possible, you should contact the Company by mail. Any request for warranty service must be in writing including:
- Name, address and telephone number of the customer.
- Invoice number, name and address of the store where you purchased the heater.
- Stove Model, Serial No., date of purchase, shipping and installation.
- Qualified Installer name or company, address and telephone.The customer must send the defective parts to AMESTI to verify defects and replacement.
Freight cost and labor.
AMESTI is responsible only for costs associated with customer office party corresponding reset. Cient is responsible for the freight of the parts or equipment to complete AMESTI facilities and for any services, work or travel expenses incurred in connection with warranty service.
Inspection costs.
Inspection visits or normal maintenance services shall be borne by the customer, even within the warranty period.
Warantee Warning
The non-compliance with all the precautions listed in the Owner 's Manual may cause damage to objects and / or ecological stove, invalidating the warranty. The warranty is only valid if the maintenances have been recorded in the box "Registering Mantenciones" the Owner 's Manual.